Thursday, May 28, 2009


i was late for a few minutes in the beginning and please blame my current obsession and addiction; black-canyon for this (haha). the movie was awesome with all the cool stunts, great cinematography and superb camera effects and tricks. with all these movie ingredients, one couldnt go wrong to produce a great action movie. the movie starts with the judgment day where john connor apparently has to save his dad who apparently much younger than him from the machine as requested by his mother (sarah connor) thru a tape. for this purpose, he has to collaborate with his "sort-of-hero-enemy”, marcus wright; a partly human and partly machine ( i rather say a “cyborg”). the machines are cool (seriously) and the best for me is the mototerminator. sumpah cool habes and buat ak ternganga (and berangan nak satu. hehe). seriously, i enjoyed the movie-outing and personally rated this piece as a jaw-dropping-one and really worth it. and "star" remains as a star tho without any dialogue, but merely the parkinson-sense. haha. super-coolness. i guarantee. so, enjoy!

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